Gimeno News

Maquinaria GIMENO continues alongside the furniture and carpentry professionals

Apr 6, 2020 | Corporative, News

We inform you that Maquinaria GIMENO continues in active to provide service to companies in the sector that require it. Due the exceptional situation in which we find ourselves due to the health crisis of COVID-19, we have established all the necessary security measures indicated by the authorities to protect the health of both our workers and all the professionals who visit our facilities.

As you know, Maquinaria GIMENO dedicates a large part of its activity to the import / export of Woodworking machinery, therefore, according to the information published by the Ministry of Industry in its Interpretive Note for the Industrial Sector on the application of Royal Decree Law 10 /20 of March  29, we can continue exercising our activity.

In this way, we continue  attending you in our facilities, receiving materials, delivering machinery orders and offering our customer service telematically, in order to continue serving all your needs as much as possible.

The professional team of Maquinaria GIMENO will provide its services in a safe way, taking extreme precautions for the good of the sector, in order that it may continue to produce goods of value essential to the economy. Thus, we transmit our commitment to professionals in the world of wood and our hope that we will soon overcome the health crisis caused by COVID19.